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How to Improve Joint Health: 6 Best Ways

By PureHealth Research Mar 4, 2023

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Medically reviewed by 9 min read

Medically reviewed by 6 citations

How to Improve Joint Health
How to Improve Joint Health

Are your joints often feeling stiff and sore? Want to know how to improve your joint health? Do you long for your younger days when you didn’t have the same aches and pains in your joints that you do now? You aren’t alone. A lot of people suffer from these symptoms and are actively trying to find out how to improve joint health.

You should do everything you can to protect your joints and help them heal. Some people feel that once they get past a certain age, nothing they do will help their joints stay strong. They feel that a decline in their joint health is inevitable.

This might be because they had parents or grandparents who had joint pain or arthritis and complained about them. Those same people might’ve used medicine, over-the-counter or prescription, to help stave off the pain.

However, you can do more than just bury the pain beneath medications. By making some lifestyle changes and understanding the mechanics of your joints, such as what bones make up the knee joint and how to care for them, you can learn how to improve joint health. These are relatively easy changes to make, and they can be just what’s needed to get a new lease on life when it comes to your joints.

In some cases, you might still need to have medication to help with the pain, but you can find some great ways to relieve the problems naturally.

Key Article Findings

  • Causes of Joint Pain: Joint pain can result from aging, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, excess weight, and various diseases. Understanding these causes is essential for finding effective solutions.
  • Improving Joint Health: Adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise, and staying hydrated can significantly enhance joint health. Simple lifestyle changes can help reduce inflammation and improve overall joint function.
  • Supplements for Joint Health: Joint Support Formula from PureHealth Research, recommended by Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, targets joints and cartilage to ease soreness and swelling. This all-natural supplement includes ingredients like ginger, type II collagen, calcium, and turmeric to improve mobility and alleviate joint issues.

What Are Joints?

Your joints are the connections between your bones. The joints, along with all of their tissues are what will let you do things that you take for granted, such as bending your back, moving and bending your knees, elbows, fingers, turning your head, etc. The joints, ideally, allow you to move without pain or other issues.

a human body symbolizing joint health

The joints should move smoothly and easily thanks to the cartilage, synovium, and synovial fluid they contain. This ensures that the bones are not rubbing together, which would cause inflammation and pain. However, the joints can start to wear down over time.

What Causes Joint Pain?

There is not just one thing that causes someone’s joints to hurt. It could be any number of things or a combination of issues that are causing problems with their joint health. One of the most common causes, though, is age and the wearing down of the joints that occurs over time. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are major causes of joint health issues, as is putting too much pressure on the joints by being overweight.

An elderly man experiencing joint pain

Of course, there are also quite a few different diseases, such as bone cancer, Lyme disease, tendonitis, sprains, breaks, etc. While exploring methods to enhance joint strength, incorporating appropriate exercises and possibly considering vitamins for cracking knees may offer relief. If you use the tips discussed below when trying to learn how to strengthen joints, but you still have pain, talk with a doctor. You want to see whether the issue with your joints is due to a more serious condition.

How to Improve Joint Health

Below are some effective tips that will help you learn how to improve joint health. These are all simple to start using.

1. Eating Right

a picture of bananas, a smoothie and a bowl of nuts

What are the best foods for improving joint health? A healthy diet can be great for your joints because the right food will help to reduce inflammation while building strong muscles and bones. You want to choose healthy foods that are good for your joint health. This includes calcium-rich food that has vitamin D including items like almond milk.

Choose leafy green vegetables, oranges and other fruit, salmon, tuna, and other healthy proteins. You want to stay away from foods that could cause inflammation, such as alcohol, fried foods, and sugar.

When it comes to your drinks, you should stick to water as much as possible. You want to remain hydrated, so you don’t reduce the amount of fluid that helps to provide cushioning for your joints.

2. Exercise and Activity

When you get regular exercise, it helps your joints continue to work as they should and improves their overall health, which is crucial for managing conditions like SI joint pain. It will also provide you with other health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

When you are eating right and you are getting plenty of exercise, you will find that it is better for your overall health. You will start to feel better, and so will your joints. This is especially true for those who may be carrying extra weight. Eating right and exercising means it will be easier to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Use Some Ice for Emergencies

a person lying on the bed with ice on the knee

One of the best and simplest ways how to improve joint health and relieve pain in your joints is by using some ice. It is a natural pain reliever that is easy to use, especially for those times when you might’ve overdone it with a walk or a workout.

Some ice or an ice pack that is wrapped in a towel and then placed on the painful joints can help to reduce swelling and pain. You will want to use ice on the affected area for a maximum of 20 minutes.

4. Stay Hydrated

a woman drinking water to stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for maintaining healthy joints, as water plays a key role in keeping the joints lubricated and minimizing the risk of joint pain and discomfort. One often overlooked cause of joint pain is dehydration. Without adequate hydration, your joints may lack the necessary fluid to function smoothly, leading to increased friction, wear, and tear, which can manifest as joint pain from dehydration. Therefore, it is recommended to aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to help keep your joints healthy and prevent the discomfort associated with dehydration. By ensuring your body is properly hydrated, you can significantly reduce the risk of experiencing joint pain due to lack of sufficient fluids.

5. Get enough sleep

a clock showing the importance of enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining overall health and well-being, including improved joint health. When you are well-rested, your body is better able to repair itself, which can help to reduce the risk of joint pain and discomfort.

6. Choose The Right Supplements

One of the other things you will want to do is take Joint Support Formula from PureHealth Research. The supplement, recommended by Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, has been made specifically to target the joints and cartilage with the goal of easing the soreness you feel, as well as the swelling. As one of the best supplements for bone and joint health, it provides targeted support to help manage discomfort and promote mobility.

Product Image


Product Image

Joint Support Formula

Take Joint Support Formula from PureHealth Research, recommended by Dr. Holly Lucille, ND. This all-natural supplement targets joints and cartilage to ease soreness and swelling. Ingredients include ginger, type II collagen, calcium, and turmeric, aiming to improve mobility and alleviate joint issues.

Try it Now

Joint Support Formula

Take Joint Support Formula from PureHealth Research, recommended by Dr. Holly Lucille, ND. This all-natural supplement targets joints and cartilage to ease soreness and swelling. Ingredients include ginger, type II collagen, calcium, and turmeric, aiming to improve mobility and alleviate joint issues.


Try it Now

Joint Support Formula


Take Joint Support Formula from PureHealth Research, recommended by Dr. Holly Lucille, ND. This all-natural supplement targets joints and cartilage to ease soreness and swelling. Ingredients include ginger, type II collagen, calcium, and turmeric, aiming to improve mobility and alleviate joint issues.

Try it Now

It could help to make you more mobile and to alleviate some of the issues with your joints. This is an all-natural product that features ingredients like ginger, type II collagen, calcium, and turmeric.

Final Thoughts

If you have problems with your joint health, you aren’t alone. With the tips and advice provided above, though, you can take actionable steps starting today that will help to alleviate your issues. Improving joint health is not going to happen overnight. This is going to be ongoing for most people.

It will take time and changes to your lifestyle, but it can happen. It can help when you drop some weight to take pressure off your joints, learn to eat the right food, and know how to keep your body safe from this type of damage. You should also consider the supplement we discussed above.

Of course, you also need to make sure that you don’t ignore issues that don’t go away. If you have persistent problems with your joints that aren’t alleviated by using these tips, you should speak with a doctor. You will want to get help improving your joint health sooner rather than later.

However, the doctors might want to put you on pain meds that you may not like the idea of taking. Before going on meds, take the advice on how to improve joint health naturally to see how it works for you.

What causes joint pain, and how can it be managed?

Joint pain can result from aging, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthropathy, excess weight, and various conditions like tendonitis and sprains. Managing joint pain involves adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise, staying hydrated, and using natural supplements to reduce inflammation and improve joint function.

What lifestyle changes can improve joint health?

Improving joint health can be achieved by eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, engaging in regular exercise, staying hydrated, using ice to reduce pain and swelling, and getting enough sleep. These changes can enhance joint function and reduce discomfort.

What supplements support joint health?

Supplements like PureHealth Research’s Joint Support Formula, which contains ginger, type II collagen, calcium, and turmeric, can help ease soreness and swelling, improve mobility, and support overall joint health. These natural ingredients target joints and cartilage to alleviate joint issues effectively.


WebMD. (n.d.). Slideshow: Tips to keep your joints healthy.


Mayo Clinic. (2022, July 27). Arthritis: Symptoms and causes.


Hospital for Special Surgery. (n.d.). Synovitis.


University of Michigan Health. (n.d.). The difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


CreakyJoints. (2021, April 21). Dehydration and arthritis: What you need to know.

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