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PureHealth Research & Vitamin Angels – United for Global Health Equity

By PureHealth Research Jun 17, 2024

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Medically reviewed by 7 min read

Medically reviewed by 2 citations

woman in a vibrant blue dress smiling as she holds a laughing baby, in a narrow blue alleyway

Imagine a world where every child has the opportunity to grow up healthy, strong, and full of potential. At PureHealth Research, we are proud to stand alongside Vitamin Angels in the fight for global health equity. Our partnership is built on a shared belief in the power of nutrition to transform lives and the conviction that every mother and child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

In this article, we invite you to learn more about our collaboration with Vitamin Angels and the incredible impact it is having on underserved communities worldwide. From the history of Vitamin Angels to the innovative ways in which our partnership is driving change, we will explore the many facets of this life-changing initiative. 

The History of Vitamin Angels

Vitamin Angels, a nonprofit public health nutrition organization, has been making a profound impact on the lives of underserved mothers and children worldwide for over 25 years. The organization’s roots can be traced back to its founder, Howard Schiffer, whose passion for maternal and child health has driven Vitamin Angels’ mission since its inception.

The Founder’s Journey

Howard Schiffer began his career as a midwife, gaining firsthand experience in the critical role of prenatal nutrition in ensuring healthy pregnancies and thriving children. After a successful stint in the natural products industry, where he developed quality products and innovative marketing strategies, Howard founded Vitamin Angels in 1994. His unwavering belief that every child deserves the chance to lead a full and healthy life has been the guiding light for the organization.

The Birth of Vitamin Angels

In January 1994, following the devastating Northridge Earthquake in Southern California, a relief agency reached out to Howard, requesting a donation of vitamins for affected families. Howard was deeply moved by the natural products industry’s willingness to give and the gratitude they expressed for the opportunity to make a difference.

Shortly after, Howard experienced a pivotal moment when he learned about the life-changing impact of vitamin A on a child’s development. Despite the simplicity and low cost of vitamin A supplementation, he discovered that very few children in need had access to it. In its first year, Vitamin Angels distributed over 100,000 vitamins to families in need, planting the seed for a legacy of compassion and care.

PureHealth Research & Vitamin Angels

three children running joyfully on a wooden pier beside a blue sea under a clear sky

At PureHealth Research, we are more than just a company that creates high-quality, scientifically-backed supplements from natural ingredients. We are a purpose-driven organization that believes in the power of nature to promote optimal health and well-being.

Frustrated by the shortcomings of the traditional “sick care” system, we are committed to empowering people to take control of their health through natural means. This shared vision of health equity and empowerment made our partnership with Vitamin Angels a natural fit.

In 2021, we took our commitment to the next level by establishing a 1-to-1 charity program with Vitamin Angels. Through this innovative partnership, every purchase of a PureHealth Research product directly funds the provision of essential nutrition to a mother or child in need.

The impact of our collaboration has been nothing short of remarkable. In our first year alone, we reached over 500,000 women and children worldwide, providing them with the vitamins and minerals necessary for a brighter, healthier future. By harnessing the power of consumer choice and corporate social responsibility, we have created a model for sustainable, impactful change in the lives of underserved populations.

Celebrating Milestones and Looking to the Future

The partnership between PureHealth Research and Vitamin Angels recently achieved a monumental milestone: providing life-changing nutrition to 1,000,000 women and children across the globe. 

This incredible accomplishment is a testament to the unwavering dedication and tireless efforts of both organizations in their pursuit of health equity.

But the work doesn’t stop there. PureHealth Research and Vitamin Angels remain committed to expanding their reach and deepening their impact in the years to come. By continuing to deliver essential nutrition to underserved communities, they are helping to break the cycle of poverty and poor health, giving mothers and children the chance to realize their full potential.

How Vitamin Angels Help Underserved Communities

young girl with colorful ribbon braids, smiling in front of a turquoise wall, wearing a playful t-shirt

The first two years of a child’s life are a critical window that can shape their health and well-being for years to come. Vitamin Angels recognizes this crucial period and works tirelessly to educate families in countries like India, Nigeria, and the Philippines about the transformative power of proper nutrition. They emphasize the importance of breastfeeding, which provides infants with all the nutrients and antibodies they need to grow and develop, while also protecting them from common illnesses.

Vitamin Angels designs and implements nutrition counseling programs that promote:

  • Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life
  • Introduction of nutrient-rich complementary foods while continuing to breastfeed until the age of two
  • Empowering mothers with the knowledge and support they need to make informed decisions about their children’s nutrition

By focusing on these key aspects, Vitamin Angels aims to:

  • Reduce malnutrition and improve health outcomes for children in underserved communities
  • Support healthy growth and development during the critical first two years of life
  • Foster a foundation for lifelong health and well-being
  • Break the cycle of poverty and poor health that can span generations in developing countries

Through their work in countries like India, Nigeria, and the Philippines, Vitamin Angels is helping to lay the foundation for a lifetime of good health for countless mothers and children in need.

Vitamin Angels Children Supplementation Programs

Two doses of vitamin A each year can make a significant difference in a young child’s health, helping to prevent common illnesses and promote optimal development.

In addition to these targeted interventions, Vitamin Angels offers supplementary feeding programs and nutrition counseling for pregnant women and young children experiencing food insecurity or limited dietary diversity. By creating a supportive environment that prioritizes the nutritional needs of underserved mothers and children, Vitamin Angels aims to:

  • Reduce malnutrition and improve health outcomes for children in underserved communities
  • Support healthy growth and development during the critical first two years of life
  • Foster a foundation for lifelong health and well-being
  • Break the cycle of poverty and poor health that can span generations in developing countries

Through their comprehensive approach to maternal and child nutrition, Vitamin Angels is helping to lay the foundation for a lifetime of good health and empowering families in need to build a brighter future.

A Ripple Effect of Health and Well-Being

The impact of proper nutrition extends far beyond the individual level. When pregnant women and young children receive the nutrients they need, it sets off a ripple effect that touches entire communities. Vitamin Angels helps create and strengthen support systems that empower mothers and caregivers to:

  • Access nutrition solutions and education
  • Make informed decisions about their own health and the well-being of their children

Through advocacy efforts at the local, national, and international levels, Vitamin Angels raises awareness about the importance of evidence-based nutrition interventions. Their work includes:

  • Engaging with policymakers, health officials, and other key stakeholders
  • Developing policies and programs that expand access to essential nutrition care
  • Ensuring that life-changing nutrition solutions reach the women and children who need them most

By focusing on these critical areas, Vitamin Angels is creating a powerful ripple effect that extends far beyond the individuals they serve directly. Their efforts are helping to build stronger, healthier communities where mothers and children can thrive, breaking the cycle of poverty and poor health that can span generations.


The partnership between PureHealth Research and Vitamin Angels is a shining example of the transformative power of collaboration in the face of global health challenges. 

By combining PureHealth Research’s commitment to natural, science-backed supplements with Vitamin Angels’ tireless efforts to deliver essential nutrition to underserved communities, this dynamic duo is making a lasting impact on the lives of mothers and children worldwide.

Together, we can create a world where every child has the opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive, regardless of their circumstances. A world where health equity is not just an aspiration, but a reality for all.

What Is The Purpose of Vitamin Angels?

Vitamin Angels is a global public health nonprofit that provides essential nutrition to underserved mothers and children worldwide, focusing on reducing malnutrition and improving health outcomes through evidence-based interventions, advocacy, and partnerships with local organizations in over 65 countries.

How PureHealth Research Contributes to Charity?

PureHealth Research contributes to charity through its 1-to-1 program with Vitamin Angels, where every purchase of a PureHealth Research product funds the provision of critical nutrition to a mother or child in need, making a direct impact on global health equity.

How does PureHealth Research Help People in Need?

PureHealth Research helps people in need by partnering with Vitamin Angels to provide essential vitamins and minerals to underserved mothers and children worldwide. Through this collaboration, PureHealth Research has reached over 1,000,000 individuals, supporting their health and well-being in communities that lack access to proper nutrition.


Lopes, W. C., et al. (2018). ALIMENTAÇÃO DE CRIANÇAS NOS PRIMEIROS DOIS ANOS DE VIDA. Revista Paulista De Pediatria, 36(2), 164–170.


Rd, J. K. M. (2023, April 24). Vitamin A: benefits, deficiency, toxicity, and more. Healthline.

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