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How to Increase Metabolism After 40: 8 Best Ways

By PureHealth Research Jun 21, 2023

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Medically reviewed by 20 min read

Medically reviewed by 8 citations

8 Ways on How to Increase Metabolism After 40

Are you wondering how to increase metabolism after 40? As you age, you may have noticed that your metabolism rate has started to slow down. It may be a bit frustrating to experience these changes and see the impact they have on your body. You used to be able to eat certain foods without worrying too much about weight gain, but now even small indulgences seem to stick around longer.

It would be best if you understood that this decline in metabolism is a natural part of the aging process. Factors like the loss of muscle mass, hormonal changes, and decreased physical activity all contribute to this slower metabolism. Particularly noticeable would be the way your body processes and burns calories.

While it can be disheartening to experience a slower metabolism, everyone should come to accept it as a natural part of the aging process. Learn to work with your body, adjusting your lifestyle and habits to support a healthy metabolism.

It takes patience and consistency, but by taking proactive steps to optimize your metabolism, you can maintain a healthier weight, energy level, and overall well-being. Your aim is to continue on the journey of aging gracefully. With that said, several fixes can help. Let’s discuss them in full detail!

Why Does Our Metabolism Slow Down as We Age?

Slow Metabolism Concept

People who are young can sit down and do nothing and yet burn calories. Their metabolism rates are usually through the roof without intervention. As they get older, however, that slows down naturally. Before we explain how to increase metabolism after 40, let’s discuss five reasons that lead to the slowdown:

  • Loss of Muscle Mass: Have you heard of sarcopenia? That’s the gradual loss of muscle mass; it occurs with age. Muscle tissue burns calories even at rest. That’s why it’s preferred over fat tissue if you’re trying to heighten your metabolism. 
  • Hormonal Changes: With age comes hormonal changes, many of which affect your metabolism. Whether a decline in growth hormones or estrogen levels, a change may lead to difficulty maintaining muscle mass or controlling weight. 
  • Less Active Lifestyle: As time catches up on you, you may feel more inclined to lie on the sofa instead of engaging in physical activity. You’re tired, and it’s easy to see why. Our everyday demands are exhausting, and reduced activity makes us use fewer calories. That equates to a lower metabolism rate. 
  • Reduced Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): A BMR denotes how many calories the body requires to perform basic functions. As we get older, our BMR declines. We can link that to the first two factors, loss of muscle mass and hormonal changes.
  • Poor Choices: Do you find yourself being less active and eating unhealthy food? All of us tend to slack at times, but it’s crucial to understand that these lifestyle changes can be detrimental to our metabolism. 

A reduced metabolism rate is entirely natural. However, that doesn’t mean that you should suffer from uncontrollable weight gain and more. Living healthy is the best way to manage the effects of a slowing metabolism rate. So exercise regularly and eat well. These are two actions that will help you maintain wellness and fix the outcomes of a lower metabolic rate. 

The Role of Hormones in Metabolism

Hormones play crucial roles in regulating metabolism. They act as chemical messengers in the body, influencing various metabolic processes. Here are some critical hormones involved in metabolism:

  • Thyroid Hormones: The thyroid gland produces triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), collectively known as thyroid hormones. These hormones play a central role in regulating metabolism. They help control the rate at which cells convert nutrients into energy (basal metabolic rate). 
  • Insulin: Produced in the pancreas, insulin plays a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels. It helps transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells for energy production or storage and influences the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. 
  • Glucagon: Glucagon is a pancreatic hormone that works in opposition to insulin. It stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen into glucose, helping to raise blood sugar levels when they are low. Glucagon promotes the breakdown of fats for energy.
  • Cortisol: Cortisol, often referred to as the “stress hormone,” is produced by the adrenal glands. It regulates metabolism by influencing glucose metabolism, suppressing inflammation, and promoting fat breakdown. However, chronic cortisol elevation due to stress can lead to metabolic imbalances and weight gain, particularly around the abdomen.
  • Growth Hormone (GH): The source of the growth hormone is the pituitary gland. It plays a role in regulating metabolism, body composition, and muscle growth. GH stimulates protein synthesis, promotes fat utilization, and helps maintain lean body mass. Its levels decline with age.
  • Leptin: Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that regulates appetite and energy balance. It signals to the brain that you are full and helps control body weight. In conditions of leptin resistance or deficiency, you will see a disruption of appetite regulation and metabolism.

These are just a few examples of the many hormones involved in metabolism. Hormones work together in a complex system to regulate energy expenditure, nutrient utilization, and body weight. Imbalances or dysregulation in these hormones can impact metabolism, leading to various metabolic disorders. 

Exploring Catabolism, Anabolism, and More

Metabolism Concept Diagram on Note in Plate With Measuring Tape

To understand how to increase metabolism after 40, you’ll need to learn the difference between catabolism and anabolism, two interconnected processes involved in metabolism. Here’s an overview of their differences, how they are affected by aging, and a closer look at individual metabolic rates.

  • Catabolism: Catabolism refers to the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler substances, usually resulting in the release of energy. During the process, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins break down to produce energy, aiding various cell functions. Examples of catabolic processes include glycolysis, the breakdown of glucose into energy, and lipolysis, the disintegration of stored fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
  • Anabolism: Anabolism is the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler substances. It involves building and storing nutrients to support body tissue growth, repair, and maintenance. Anabolic processes include protein synthesis, where amino acids combine to form proteins, and gluconeogenesis, where new glucose molecules synthesize from non-carbohydrate sources.

Aging can have an impact on both catabolic and anabolic processes. With age, there may be a decline in overall catabolic processes, leading to a slower metabolic rate. We can attribute this to decreased muscle mass, hormonal changes, and lower physical activity levels. The decline in catabolic processes can contribute to a decrease in energy expenditure.

We can associate aging with a gradual decrease in anabolic processes, such as protein synthesis and cell repair. It can result in reduced muscle mass, decreased bone density, and impaired tissue repair. Hormonal changes can also affect anabolic processes.

Now, let’s discuss the individual metabolic rates. These rates can depend on various factors, including age, body composition, hormone levels, genetics, and lifestyle habits. Aging can lead to changes in metabolic rate due to alterations in body composition, hormonal changes, and reduced physical activity levels.

  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): BMR refers to the number of calories your body needs to perform essential functions at rest, such as maintaining organ function, supporting cellular processes, and regulating body temperature. BMR accounts for the most considerable portion of daily energy expenditure (around 60-75%).
  • Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): RMR is similar to BMR but is measured under less strict conditions, allowing for more comfort during measurement. It represents the calories your body needs at rest, including activities like sitting or lying down but excluding intense physical activity.
  • Thermic Effect of Food (TEF): TEF is the energy expended during food digestion, absorption, and processing. It accounts for approximately 5-10% of total daily energy expenditure. Different macronutrients have varying thermic effects, with protein having the highest thermic effect, followed by carbohydrates and fats.
  • Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT): NEAT encompasses the energy expended through non-exercise activities, such as fidgeting, walking, household chores, and other daily activities that are unstructured exercises. NEAT can vary significantly between individuals and can notably impact total energy expenditure.

How Can You Increase Metabolism After 40

Easy fixes are the best! Here’s how to boost your metabolism after 40 by making simple changes to your lifestyle.

1. Step Up Your Physical Activity

Joyful Retirees Couple Jogging

Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle? That’s not a surprise, considering the way most people work today. Many do their jobs in front of computers instead of performing physical tasks. Therefore, taking the time to exercise is crucial.

As we age, our body experiences massive changes. Our metabolism rate at 40 isn’t the same as it was in our 20s. That may stem from decreased muscle mass and suffer from hormonal changes. But that’s not to say that doing some form of exercise is only important when you get older. Working our bodies is vital at every age.

To increase your metabolism after 40, you can try strength training or resistance exercises. Weightlifting builds muscle mass, which further improves your metabolism and calorie-burning rates. At the same time, work that heart!

Cardiovascular activities, such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, and cycling, are excellent for the heart and burning calories. Besides that, you’ll want to look into aerobic exercises, yoga, or tai chi. They drive a healthier metabolism rate by improving flexibility and posture. 

2. Push Your Limits With High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

An Athletic Asian Man Does Mountain Climbers

Remember what we said earlier about being sedentary throughout the day? The typical 40-year-old individual may be reading this while sitting and working in front of their computer. They probably don’t have much time for much else in their life other than work and family. That doesn’t have to be a barrier to exercise.

Have you heard of high-intensity interval training? It’s a true revolution for the busy generations of today. With HIIT, you don’t need to head to the gym or buy special exercise equipment. Anyone can get fit from the comfort of their own homes or offices. It takes anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes, and may be even more effective than longer workouts. 

You can find many apps and videos online that will help you master HIIT. Typically, you’ll alternate between short, intense periods of exercise and recovery slots. HIIT pushes the body and increases the heart rate, allowing you to burn more calories.

3. Power Up With Protein Foods

Healthy Food Containing a Lot of Protein

It doesn’t matter if you’re above 40 or a young adult – protein is crucial for a better metabolism rate. In comparison to carbs and fats, your body doesn’t digest, absorb, and process protein as quickly because of its higher thermic effect. Therefore, you’ll use more calories to do so. 

Protein also helps people maintain a healthy metabolism rate by increasing muscle mass. And because older people lose their muscles, their metabolic rate slows down. 

To remedy the situation, those over 40 should infuse their diet with lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes, soy products (tofu and tempeh), and low-fat dairy. Vegans and vegetarians can focus on lentils, legumes, nuts, seeds, quinoa, and plant-based butter. Seek plant food rich with amino acids, which will aid will bulking up the muscles. 

With that said, balance is key. Consider the timing of your meals and spreading out your protein intake. And make sure to consume a good variety of nutrients.

4. The Diet Makeover

Woman Refuses to Eat Junk Food

Ask the experts how to increase your metabolism, and they’ll definitely point to your diet. How well do you eat? If you’re 40 and over, you most probably have a regular routine. You wake up at a reasonable time in the morning, head to work, have a lunch break, continue getting stuff done, and then have dinner before heading to bed. 

Many people don’t have the time to prepare a wholesome meal and practice healthy eating. They tend to order takeout, munch on snacks, and sip on sugary soft drinks or alcohol. Wondering, does alcohol slow metabolism? In short, yes. Nevertheless, if this sounds like you, it’s time for a diet makeover. You can’t do all that and hope for an optimized metabolic rate, especially if you’re in your 40s.

Take the time and do the necessary research to learn what your body needs. To help with this, you might want to check out our list of the 20 best foods to boost metabolism. It is a good idea to approach a dietitian who will be in a better position to advise you on what to consume during mealtimes. Aside from what you put in, consider portion sizes and meal regularity. 

5. Sip, Refresh, and Revitalize

Athletic Male Drinking Water

If you’re not the type to only drink water with a meal, then you need a reset. Water is a wonder drug that many of us neglect to consume enough of. It helps our bodies digest food and absorb nutrients. Water also enables you to eliminate waste through urine and sweat. Removing these toxins will help you raise your metabolic rate.

That aside, water helps us feel full, preventing us from overeating. So the next time you think you’re hungry, drink a glass of H2O! If you throw in some ice, you’ll enjoy an additional benefit. Cold water increases thermogenesis and calorie expenditure, albeit temporarily.

Drinking enough water also helps you exercise better. If you’re looking for peak performance, you must be adequately hydrated. You’ll burn more calories as the workout lasts longer. It’s even easier to aim for higher intensities. As a general guideline, 8 cups a day is all you need. Increase your intake if you lead an active lifestyle. 

6. Sleep Well, Live Well

Man Snuggling Into His Pillow Sucking His Thumb Like a Big Baby

Despite the trend to lead busy lives and fill our days with non-stop activities, it’s always a wise idea to slow down. We need adequate rest, whether we’re teenagers or older. Sleep is one of the major factors that affect our metabolic rate. 

When we rest at regular intervals, our hormones do a better job of regulating themselves. The balancing act regulates our appetite, reducing hunger pangs and optimizes metabolism rate. Adequate sleep also helps our muscles rebuild and repair from our daily activities, leading to increased calorie burning. 

Prioritize good sleep by setting your hours right. Aim for around eight hours nightly and consistency. If you find it difficult to turn off at night, create a conducive environment with blackout shades and by reducing screen usage at least two hours before bedtime. Calm yourself down by reading, enjoying a warm bath, and practicing a few minutes of meditation. And keep away from caffeine in the afternoon!

7. What Habits Are Best to Avoid?

Man Moving Away Hands

It’s hard to avoid falling into the rut of unhealthy habits. However, it’s human nature to do so, so don’t feel too bad about it. Knowing that you need to increase your metabolism rate is the first step. Next, you need to change what doesn’t work.

Avoid crash and highly restrictive diets. If you consume a low amount of calories, your body will try to conserve as much energy as possible, bringing down your metabolic rate. Instead, practice balance. And refrain from skipping meals, too. A disruptive routine will mean that you won’t get a sufficient flow of energy throughout the day.

At the same time, make it a point not to sit down for long hours. Set an alarm to get up and do a quick HIIT exercise or walk around. Doing so will also reduce your stress, which affects your cortisol levels. However, your optimal metabolism rate may differ from others – remember that!

Try Supplements to Increase Metabolism After 40 

Aside from the above tips, you’ll need to set your diet straight. Here are crucial supplements to increase your metabolism after 40.

1. Capsaicin

Zoomed In Capsaicin Powder

Have you tried some spice in your food? It takes some getting used to, but once you get going, you can’t stop! And that’s a good thing, too. Capsaicin, the element you’d find in chilies that causes its spicy taste, is a metabolic booster! Here are some reasons why:

  • Thermogenic: An increased body temperature leads to a faster metabolism.
  • Fat oxidizer: The burning of fat happens at an accelerated rate with capsaicin, breaking down fat molecules. Therefore, workouts are more effective for weight loss.

People who eat spicy food feel hungry less often. Capsaicin’s appetite-suppressing elements help those trying to lose weight by managing their calorie intake. 

With that said, consuming capsaicin on its own won’t bring a notable change to your metabolism rate. Combine it with the other tips and supplements mentioned in this article. As too much spice may cause nausea and discomfort, keep amounts in moderation!

2. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

A Zoomed In Group of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Pills

The studies on CLA show promising results. The fatty compound, usually found in meat and dairy foods, looks like a well-kept secret. Research suggests that conjugated linoleic acid impacts the body’s metabolic rate by promoting the breakdown of stored fat, increasing oxidation.

CLA also has the potential to increase muscle mass and growth, helping you burn more calories than fat tissue. The fatty acid enables you to have a faster metabolism even while you’re sitting and resting! 

Therefore, the next time you’re food shopping, make sure to add the following items to your cart:

  • Beef
  • Mutton
  • Eggs
  • Mushrooms
  • Vegetable oils (including hydrogenated soybean oil)

Supplementing with conjugated linoleic acid isn’t going to produce magical effects on its own. Combine your efforts with exercise, rest, and relaxation. At the same time, make sure to contact your physician to ensure the supplement won’t cause your body any harm. 

3. Green Tea Extract

Dried Green Tea Leaves And Powder

Billions of people worldwide consume green tea. With 600,000 tons consumed annually, this tea is popular, and with good reason. Its antioxidant properties make it perfect for improving liver, heart, and brain functions. Your skin will also benefit from a cup of green tea a day. Moreover, it reduces cancer risk!

Another advantage of drinking green tea or consuming the extract is weight loss. As it’s rich in catechins and caffeine, the tea enhances hormone regulation and thermogenesis, the process whereby the body digests food for heat.

One well-cited study showed that people who took green tea experienced increased fat burning. Another study shows that the boosted metabolism may persist for the long term. 

Despite all that, people need to consume green tea extract in moderate amounts. If you aren’t used to caffeine, it may cause irritability, anxiety, and sleeping issues. Too much of it can lead to toxic effects. 

4. L-Carnitine

L-Carnitine Pills

Your body produces L-carnitine naturally. However, you can also find it in food and supplement form. It’s a derivative of amino acid that is crucial for energy production as it transfers fatty acids into cells. Many studies show its effectiveness in boosting weight loss, improving brain function, etc.

L-carnitine aids mitochondrial function, playing a vital role in healthy aging and disease prevention. When it comes to weight loss, the amino acid moves fatty acids into cells for energy burning. This implies that L-carnitine is essential for a higher metabolism rate. 

Foods containing the highest levels of L-carnitine include meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. On the opposing end are fruit, vegetables, and grains. In general, L-carnitine is safe for most people to consume. Nonetheless, it may lead to trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) buildup.

The Green Blend Supplement 

Making it a point to search for food ingredients containing the above elements may be a challenge. You’re probably at the peak of your career and have a very busy social life. Therefore, wouldn’t it be great if you could just enjoy a daily refreshing drink, significantly boosting nutrient diversity and your metabolic needs? Thankfully, PureHealth Research has come up with Metabolic Greens+.

Metabolic Greens+ Product by PureHealth Research

The team behind this wonderful supplement, led by award-winning Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, has spent hours and hours ensuring customer satisfaction. The company is so confident in the product that all clients enjoy a 365-day money-back guarantee. 

The results truly speak for themselves. Metabolic Greens+ is a premium combination of five superfood blends, each of them revitalizing and necessary for optimal health. Those with diet restrictions will be happy to know it’s non-GMO, vegan, and free of gluten, dairy, and soy.

Aside from supporting healthy metabolism, the evidence-backed ingredients in Metabolic Greens+ by PureHealth Research help with the following:

  • Boosts immunity
  • Reduces bloating and gas
  • Facilitates nutrient absorption
  • Increases nutrient diversity
  • Promotes optimal digestion
  • Combats free radicals
  • Maintains healthy blood glucose levels
  • Improves mood and wellness
  • Brings more energy
  • Supports aging process

Earlier, we mentioned that the supplement is a blend of five superfood groups. Let’s discuss what they entail:

  • Greens blend: A combo of six ingredients to support your energy needs, it increases your metabolism, boosts your digestion process, and kick-starts fat burning.
  • Reds blend: Enjoy an infusion of 19 fruits and veggies  packed with antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, and enzymes. Fight free radicals and build your immunity the right way.
  • Metabolic blend: If you’re looking for an easy way rev your metabolic rate by incorporating ginger, cinnamon, bitter melon, turmeric, black pepper, and white tea into your diet, this is it! 
  • Probiotic blend: Ten pre- and probiotics nourish your gut as it’s the center of so many bodily functions.
  • Enzyme blend: The six digestive enzymes increase the absorption and rewards from the above real foods. Reap their benefits with this blend. 

Final Thoughts

Staying lean and mean doesn’t come easy when you enter your 40s. At this later stage of your life, you’ve probably developed a few habits that don’t have the best effects on your metabolism rate. Perhaps you’re more stressed than ever before, or a sedentary lifestyle has become the norm. Or maybe your diet is more along the line of quick and easy instead of healthy and wholesome. 

Either way, there are many steps you can take to overcome a slowing metabolic rate. The answer to how to increase metabolism after 40 is clear. Outlined above are tips and supplements that will have you living your best life. Go for it! 

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