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Why Am I Feeling Nauseous and Tired All the Time?

By PureHealth Research Apr 2, 2024

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Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by our experts

Medically reviewed by 14 min read

Medically reviewed by 19 citations

why am i feeling nauseous and tired all the time

In today’s fast-paced world, feeling nauseous and tired all the time has become a common wellness dilemma. Chronic nausea and tiredness can stem from a variety of causes, including stress, overwork, and more complex health conditions. 

The first step toward wellness involves acknowledging our body’s signals, which often urge us to slow down and pay closer attention to our health.

This article explores the possible reasons behind feeling nauseous and tired, highlighting the importance of listening to our bodies and seeking professional advice when necessary. While we aim to provide insightful information, remember that this content does not substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Key Article Findings

  • Chronic nausea and fatigue often stem from stress, overwork, and health conditions. Recognizing body signals is crucial.
  • Key causes include chronic fatigue, metabolic dysfunction, pathogens, and lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and sleep.
  • Managing symptoms involves hydration, dietary adjustments, gentle exercise, relaxation techniques, and seeking professional medical advice.

Reasons I’m Feeling Nauseous and Tired All the Time

Chronic Fatigue

a woman is sitting in the kitchen at table with chronic fatigue

Chronic Fatigue (CF) is distinguished by its profound impact on daily life, vastly different from regular fatigue. Unlike everyday tiredness that improves with rest, CF leads to a significant reduction in one’s ability to engage in work, academic pursuits, and personal activities, markedly affecting quality of life.


  • Persistent, unrelenting fatigue not alleviated by rest
  • Muscle and joint aches without redness or swelling
  • Sore throat and headaches
  • Memory problems and difficulties with concentration


  • No single test; determined by excluding other conditions through a variety of tests
  • Assessment of symptoms against specific criteria over a period of time

Potential Causes

  • Genetic predisposition may play a role
  • Possible links to pathogens suggest an initial trigger
  • Immune system abnormalities, indicating the body’s defense mechanism might be involved

Metabolic Dysfunction

a man is looking at his chest with his belt unbuckled

Metabolic dysfunction encompasses a range of disorders affecting the body’s ability to properly use and store energy. Metabolic dysfunction can significantly impact daily life, leading to chronic health issues like heart disease, and excess weight if not addressed. Unlike normal variations in metabolism that can fluctuate with diet and activity, metabolic dysfunction requires medical intervention and lifestyle changes for management.


  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • High sugar levels, leading to feelings of thirst and frequent urination
  • Difficulty concentrating or “brain fog”


  • Tests to measure sugar, cholesterol, and hormone levels
  • Assessing symptoms and medical history
  • Possible use of imaging tests to check for fat deposition in the liver

Potential Causes

  • Genetic factors contributing to inefficiencies in metabolic processes
  • Lifestyle factors, including poor diet, lack of physical activity, and insufficient sleep
  • Hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid disorders, that affect metabolism


pathogens in a culture dish

Various pathogens, can lead to symptoms of ongoing fatigue and nausea, significantly impacting daily life. These symptoms can linger even after the invasion itself has been cleared from the body.


  • Persistent fatigue not relieved by rest
  • Nausea that can occur with or without vomiting
  • General malaise and weakness
  • Muscle and joint aches

Common Examples

  • Certain pathogenic incursions are notorious for leaving individuals feeling drained and nauseated long after the acute phase has passed.
  • Bacterial invasions, too, can have lingering effects on energy levels and digestive comfort, contributing to a prolonged period of recovery.

Persistence of Symptoms

  • Even after the pathogenic activity has resolved, the immune system’s response can continue to affect the body, leading to sustained symptoms.
  • In some cases, the pathogen may trigger changes in the body’s physiology, such as disturbances in the gut microbiome or alterations in immune system functioning, which contribute to prolonged fatigue and nausea.

Lifestyle Factors

a woman is meditating on a cliff

Lifestyle habits play a pivotal role in influencing our overall health, particularly in relation to feelings of nausea and fatigue. Understanding how diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep contribute to these sensations can empower us to make beneficial changes and address questions like “Why does my body feel heavy.”

  • Diet – Poor dietary choices can lead to nutritional deficiencies or digestive discomfort, manifesting as nausea or fatigue. Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins ensures the body gets the nutrients it needs. Stay hydrated and limit processed foods, excessive caffeine, and sugar.
  • Exercise – Regular physical activity enhances energy levels and improves digestive health. It doesn’t require intense workouts; even moderate activities like walking, yoga, or swimming can significantly boost well-being. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.
  • Stress Management – Chronic stress takes a toll on the body, potentially leading to fatigue and gastrointestinal distress. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and scheduling regular downtime can help manage stress levels.
  • Sleep – Quality sleep is essential for the body to repair and regenerate. Ensure 7-9 hours of good-quality sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a restful environment, and avoid screens before bedtime to enhance sleep quality.


a woman is holding both of her hands on her head due to a migraine

The link between migraines, nausea, and fatigue is rooted in the way migraines affect the brain and nervous system. During a migraine attack, changes in brain activity can lead to these symptoms, significantly impacting an individual’s ability to function.

Common Triggers

  • Certain foods and beverages, including aged cheeses, red wine, and processed foods, can trigger migraines in some people.
  • Bright lights, loud noises, and strong odors are known to provoke migraines.
  • High levels of stress or even the relaxation period after stress (let-down) can initiate migraine episodes.
  • Both too much and too little sleep can serve as triggers.

Management Techniques

  • Keeping a headache diary can help identify specific triggers to avoid.
  • Over-the-counter or prescription medications may provide relief from symptoms. Always consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate treatments.
  • Regular exercise, adequate hydration, and a balanced diet can help reduce the frequency of migraines.
  • Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can help manage stress levels.
  • Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a comfortable sleep environment can help prevent migraines related to sleep disruption.

Nausea and Fatigue Related Symptoms


a man is holding one hand to his head due to a headache while holding a glass of water in his other hand

Headaches that come with feelings of nausea and fatigue can manifest in various forms, each with unique characteristics:

  • Tension Headaches – A persistent, dull ache around the forehead or back of the head. Often linked to stress or poor posture.
  • Migraines – Intense, agonizing throbbing typically on one side of the head, possibly with light and sound sensitivity. Can be triggered by various factors including diet, hormonal changes, and stress.
  • Cluster Headaches – Less common but severe aching around one eye, occurring in cyclical patterns or clusters.

Causes can range from everyday stressors, dehydration, and lack of sleep to more complex issues like neurological conditions. Headaches might also be one of the warning signs of magnesium deficiency.

Management options include over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), proper hydration, adequate rest, and effective stress management. For persistent or severe cases, consulting a healthcare professional for personalized options is crucial.

Chest Spasms

a woman is holding her hand on chest due to chest spasms

Chest spasms, coupled with feeling nauseous and tired, can be alarming and may indicate underlying health issues related to the heart or lungs.


  • Heart-related issues – Chest spasms alongside nausea and fatigue might suggest the heart is not functioning optimally, possibly due to restricted circulation or oxygen supply.
  • Lung-related issues – Similar symptoms could also point towards lung health concerns, where the body’s oxygen intake or carbon dioxide expulsion is compromised.

When to Seek Medical Attention

  • If a chest spasm is sudden, severe, or unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
  • When accompanied by difficulty breathing, dizziness, or a feeling of pressure or tightness in the chest.
  • If the symptoms persist for more than a few minutes, recur, or intensify over time.


a woman is lying down and holding her hand on her head because of the fever

Fever serves as a critical indicator of an underlying bacterial or pathogenic problem or pro-inflammatory activity, signaling that the body is actively fighting off a health disturbance. It’s a natural response, often accompanying other symptoms, that helps boost the immune system’s effectiveness.

Monitoring Fever

  • Keep track of the fever’s progression using a reliable thermometer. Note the readings and the times they were taken.
  • Observe additional symptoms that may accompany the fever, such as fatigue, chills, or body aches, to provide a comprehensive picture of your health status.

When to Consult a Healthcare Professional

  • If the fever is 100.4°F (38°C) or higher and persists for more than two days without signs of improvement.
  • When fever is accompanied by severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, persistent vomiting, rash, or confusion.
  • In cases where the person with fever is very young, elderly, or has a compromised immune system, making them more susceptible to complications.

Slurred Speech

a woman is speaking with a group of people

Slurred speech can be a sign of various underlying conditions, ranging from temporary factors like intoxication to more serious neurological disorders. It occurs when the muscles involved in speech production don’t work together properly, affecting the clarity and pace of speech.

Potential Causes

  • Neurological Conditions – Disorders affecting the brain and nervous system can lead to slurred speech as a symptom. This includes conditions that impact muscle control or brain function.
  • Intoxication – Alcohol or drug use can temporarily impair speech by affecting the nervous system, leading to slowed or slurred speech.

When to seek medical help

  • If slurred speech develops suddenly or without an apparent cause.
  • When accompanied by other symptoms, such as weakness, confusion, or difficulty understanding speech.
  • If the condition persists or affects daily communication.

Breathing Problems

a woman is holding her hand on her head and her other hand on her chest while having breathing problems

Breathing problems that accompany feelings of nausea and fatigue can significantly impact your well-being, signaling potential health issues that require attention.

Types of Breathing Problems

  • Shortness of Breath – A sensation of not being able to get enough air, which can occur suddenly or develop gradually.
  • Wheezing – This might indicate a restriction or obstruction in the airways, making breathing difficult and noisy.
  • Rapid Breathing – Breathing faster than normal can be a response to various conditions, including stress or a medical issue.
  • Difficulty Breathing – Feeling like you can’t breathe deeply enough, which might come on suddenly or over time.

When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention

  • If breathing difficulties occur suddenly or are severe.
  • When shortness of breath or wheezing is accompanied by spasms in the chest, confusion, bluish lips or face, or severe fatigue.
  • If you notice a significant and unexplained change in your ability to perform usual daily activities due to breathing issues.

What Are the Risk Factors for Nausea and Tiredness?

Chronic feelings of nausea and fatigue can perplex and distress anyone experiencing them. Several risk factors predispose individuals to these symptoms, blending genetic, environmental, and lifestyle elements. 

Genetic predispositions can play a significant role, with certain individuals more likely to experience conditions that manifest as nausea and fatigue symptoms due to their inherited genetic makeup. 

Environmental factors, including exposure to toxins, stress, and contagions, also contribute to the onset of these symptoms, challenging the body’s resilience and immune response. 

Lifestyle choices, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and inadequate sleep, further exacerbate feelings of being unwell. People often wonder, why does my body feel heavy?, not realizing that the answer often lies in a complex interplay of these factors. 

How Can I Manage My Nausea and Tiredness?

Home Remedies

To manage nausea and fatigue at home, consider these practical tips: 

  • Stay hydrated by drinking clear or ice-cold beverages and eating light, bland foods like crackers to ease nausea. Small, frequent meals can help maintain energy levels without overwhelming your stomach. 
  • Explore how to increase your energy levels by incorporating gentle exercise into your routine, such as walking or stretching, which can boost your overall energy and aid digestion. 
  • Prioritize sleep and establish a consistent rest schedule to combat fatigue. 
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to reduce stress, a common culprit behind nausea and fatigue. 
  • Finally, listen to your body’s needs, allowing yourself time to rest and recover.

Natural Supplementation

In the quest for optimal well-being, natural supplementation plays an important role, complementing our diet and lifestyle choices to fill nutritional gaps and support our body’s needs. Among the myriad options available, PureHealth Research ImproBiome, endorsed by Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN, stands out for its comprehensive approach to supporting digestive health. As one of the best supplements for optimal health, ImproBiome promotes balanced gut flora, enhances digestion, and contributes to overall wellness, making it a powerful addition to your health routine.

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By supporting gut health, ImproBiome may indirectly contribute to alleviating feelings of fatigue and supporting healthy energy levels, as a well-functioning digestive system is key to efficient metabolism and energy production.

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By supporting gut health, ImproBiome may indirectly contribute to alleviating feelings of fatigue and supporting healthy energy levels, as a well-functioning digestive system is key to efficient metabolism and energy production.



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By supporting gut health, ImproBiome may indirectly contribute to alleviating feelings of fatigue and supporting healthy energy levels, as a well-functioning digestive system is key to efficient metabolism and energy production.

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This supplement harnesses the power of synbiotic prebiotics and probiotics, aiming to optimize gut microbiome harmony, which is essential for nutrient absorption, immune function, and even mood regulation. The thoughtfully selected strains of bacteria are designed to promote a healthy digestive tract, thereby potentially alleviating issues like bloating, irregularity, and discomfort. 


Antiemetics are commonly prescribed to reduce nausea by blocking signals to the brain that trigger the condition. For fatigue, stimulants or sedatives may be recommended in cases where underlying sleep disorders or other health issues are identified. 

However, it’s crucial to be mindful of potential side effects. Antiemetics can sometimes cause dry mouth, dizziness, or headache, while stimulants might lead to increased heart rate, sleep problems, or jittery feelings. Sedatives may potentially lead to sleepiness during the day, slow reflexes, mental fog, dizziness, and become habit-forming. 

Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential to ensure the benefits of any medication outweigh the risks.

Seeing a Doctor

Persistent or severe nausea and fatigue symptoms warrant a thorough medical evaluation to identify any underlying health conditions. It’s advisable to schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional if symptoms significantly impact your daily life, persist despite home remedies, or are accompanied by other concerning signs such as weight loss, severe discomfort, or difficulty breathing. 

During the evaluation, expect a detailed discussion about your symptoms, medical history, and any potential triggers or lifestyle factors. Diagnostic tests, such as blood work or imaging, may be conducted to pinpoint the cause. A comprehensive approach ensures the most effective treatment plan, addressing not just the symptoms but their root causes, enhancing your overall health and well-being.

Final Thoughts

Feeling nauseous and tired all the time can be distressing, but understanding the potential causes and solutions is the first step toward relief. From chronic fatigue and metabolic dysfunction to lifestyle factors and underlying health conditions, various issues can contribute to these symptoms. Prioritizing hydration, balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and stress management can significantly improve your well-being.

Additionally, consulting with healthcare professionals ensures a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan. Remember, paying attention to your body’s signals and making proactive changes can lead to better health and a more energetic, symptom-free life.

Why Am I Nauseous but Not Vomiting?

Feeling nauseous without vomiting can result from various factors, including stress, digestive disturbances, motion sickness, or early stages of pathogenic activity. This sensation often serves as a warning sign from the body, indicating a potential issue without reaching the threshold that triggers vomiting, necessitating attention to underlying causes.

What Relieves Nausea Fast?

To relieve nausea quickly, try sipping on ginger tea or peppermint tea, both known for their stomach-soothing properties. Inhaling peppermint essential oil or taking deep breaths can also help. Keeping hydrated and eating small, bland meals throughout the day may ease nausea without overwhelming your digestive system.

Do Bananas Help With Nausea?

Yes, bananas can help with nausea due to their soft texture and bland taste, making them easy to digest. They’re rich in potassium, which helps maintain electrolyte balance, and their natural sweetness provides a gentle energy boost without irritating the stomach, making them a good choice during nauseous moments.


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