How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back?
Medically reviewed by our experts

Many people struggle with hair loss for one reason or another and wonder, “How long does it take for hair to grow back?” Depending on your body, your lifestyle and diet, and the reason for your hair loss, the answer to that question can vary widely. However, whatever the cause for hair loss, there are plenty of natural, healthy things you can do to help grow hair back and encourage thick, lustrous locks.
Hair Growth Stages
When you’re talking about hair regrowth and asking yourself, “How long does it take to grow your hair back?”, it’s important to understand the stages of hair growth when you want to determine the best way to regrow hair.

There are three specific stages of hair growth: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Depending on the individual and the part of the body, each of these stages has varying lengths and is affected by different things.
The Anagen Stage
Anagen is the most active stage of hair growth. You can remember it because anagen and active both start with ‘a.’ The anagen stage is highly determined by genetics, but for most people, it lasts between three and six years. When hair is in the anagen phase, it goes through significant growth. At any particular time, about 90% of your hair follicles are in the anagen phase.
The Catagen Phase
Hair follicles in the catagen stage are transitioning between growth and death. Usually, this lasts anywhere from a month to about six weeks. This stage accounts for a minute amount of hair at one time—typically, only about 1%. Now, these hairs aren’t yet dead and ready to fall out; they’re simply getting ready.
The Telogen Phase
Once hairs have grown and transitioned, they can fall out and leave room for new hair to grow. Telogen is considered a resting phase—it’s when the hairs have completed their cycle. This part of the hair growth cycle lasts about two or three months. Once they reach the telogen phase, they are released from their respective hair follicles and fall out in an extension phase called exogen.
If you’re doing the math, you’d figure that about 9% of your hair should be in the telogen phase at any particular time. You’d be right!
To recap, hair goes through four phases:
- Anagen – active growth
- Catagen – transitioning from growth to death
- Telogen – dying
- Exogen – shedding and falling out
Now, let’s talk about what normal hair loss is, as hair loss has a part to play in hair growth stages. Anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs should fall out each day for a normal hair growth cycle to take place. This very small amount that isn’t actively growing accounts for 10% of the approximately 100,000 hair follicles on the average person’s head.
You can think about normal daily hair shedding as hairs that have finished growing and are falling out to make room for new hair, similar to how a snake sheds its skin when it needs more room to grow. However, some follicles stop producing hair and need further encouragement to grow hair back.
How Long Does It Take to Grow Your Hair Back? Lets Find Out
So, how long does it take to regrow hair? A particular hair can complete its cycle anywhere from three-and-a-half to six-and-a-half years. But remember, the longer a hair is in the anagen (active) phase, the longer it will grow. So, people who can’t seem to grow very long hair have shorter anagen phases, while people who can grow hair past their hips without a care have anagen phases on the longer end of the spectrum.

Most people’s hair grows at the length of about a centimeter each month. So, most people will experience about 12 centimeters (or five inches) a year. Of course, the exact number varies with age, genetics, and lifestyle habits.
As people get older, some of their hair follicles stop producing new hair. This is the cause of male and female pattern baldness. Other factors, such as postpartum hormones, hair processing treatments or hairstyles, medications, and stress, can cause hair loss. But with certain treatments—including natural supplements—people can grow hair back naturally and easily. Amidst these considerations, it’s also critical to address common concerns, such as does conditioner cause hair loss?, to ensure a holistic approach to hair health. Understanding what are the most important factors influencing hair growth is essential in addressing these issues effectively.
Treatment for Hair Growth
There are a few ways to stop hair loss, you can read our article on how to stop hair loss and regrow hair naturally to know more. To have a fast impact add a natural, powerful supplement to your daily vitamin routine, such as PureHealth Research’s ReGROW – HAIR Activation Formula. If you’re looking for how to fix stunted hair growth, this supplement can help stimulate hair follicles and support overall hair health for stronger, fuller growth.
This supplement was developed by Dr. Holly Lucille, ND and her team of expert researchers, doctors, and scientists, all of whom have made it their mission to bring natural, healthy products that truly work to the healthcare market. It’s meant to be taken daily and is filled with the following compounds, vitamins, and nutrients that set the stage for healthy, lustrous hair.
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D3
- Biotin
- Iodine
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Copper
All of these elements have been scientifically proven to encourage the growth of healthy hair. People who have taken this supplement daily for an extended time (a year to see the best results) experienced benefits from among the following list.
- Accelerated hair growth
- Reduced greasiness, dullness, dryness, loss, and breakage
- Increased pigmented hairs and fewer grays
- Balanced moisture levels
- Improved volume, thickness, coverage, and shine
How did all this happen with a simple supplement? PHR’s carefully curated blend does the following in people’s hair growth systems:
- Nourishes the body with critical building blocks for hair growth
- Fights free radicals that damage the system
- Stimulates the hair shaft and hair follicle cell production
- Regulates the immune system to lower irritation and reduce damage
- Protects the body against stress
- Fortifies the hair matrix
- Promotes healthy protein and enzyme growth
- Protects against homocysteine, which damages keratin
- Increases IGI-I levels to encourage healthy growth
- Boosts nutrient absorption
Final Thoughts
The question, “How long does it take for hair to grow back?” is a common one among both men and women, especially in older people or those who have struggled with other health-related issues that cause hair loss. There’s a simple and effective solution, though – PureHealth Research’s ReGROW – HAIR Activation Formula. For more information and to start shopping, click here.
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